Fate is how much I want to get in this river, and the Leo Full Moon; 5 February 2023

This is the first Song of the Spheres podcast of 2023 ~ As of late I have been taking in much more than I’m expressing out. The reverse of how I usually roll. I have been studying astrological paradigms for the first time, beginning in 2022. For the decade preceding, I was phobic against what (almost) anybody had to say “about” the planets.

I wanted to know for myself.

I wanted direct experience.

I poured over charts.

I tripped under dark, naked skies.

And that was good while it was good and I love the foundation of intimacy it has provided me, but now it’s time to learn the good old fashioned way.





Listening ~and~ taking notes.


And then there are these moments when, like the old days, I am graced to capture a breath of the duende and share it with you. This podcast and this film is one of those moments. This podcast is a prayer. The film is a spell. The difference between them, who can tell. Who can tell.

A weaving tangled declaration supplication glancing shimmers out of the corner of my eye and moving quietly, gently, lovingly among them so as to render a pale attempt at reflection.

May you enjoy and more importantly, may you receive nourishment.


Meet you in the Mines under Eclipsed Skies: 19 and 20 April, 2023


Weaving Solstice with Christmas, by the light of a crescent moon: 18 December 2022.