The place where yes and no meet, and match wits; August 14th - 20th, 2022

This week’s Song of the Spheres weekly astrological weather report is live!

This is the place where yes and no meet, and match wits. It’s a fuck yes of the highest accord, serious on the level of life and death, love of a lifetime, life altering decisions, cosmic and karmic and dharmic all wrapped up in the curious connecting of separate but magnetized human beings in a myriad web of relating. 

And into that level of seriousness and the truest and most humble yes interjects a massive, boat sized splinter. It’s like an ocean liner splintering a sky scraper; both enormous, powerful, complex yet they can be destroyed. The match has been met. 

This coming week we get a lot of relief from the intensity of the past two weeks, and with it comes the opportunity to really work on and work out some of what has occurred. And this podcast has a brief but powerful cultivating qi gong practice at the end too!

This episode is also available on Apple Podcasts. 


Scrying to Survive; August 20th -27th Astrological Weather Report


A Balancing Act:: Relax and Engage, August 8th - 14th 2022