The First Quarter Moon of September the 3rd: Moon of My Dreaming, Teach Me to Listen.

If the Virgo dark moon of the 27th saw you cutting away, letting go, surrendering, then this breaking down prepared the way for what the current cycle wants to build up and create. At the first quarter Moon in Sagittarius this past Saturday, Mars in opposition offers a scaffolding for strength and support for the fragile new life blinking its eyes awake in the growing light of this cycle. This beam is hard, inflexible, unmoving. This is a strong support rather than a cuddling comfort, so approaching it and accepting it for what it is rather than what we wish it was, is essential for utilizing this energy to its fullest potential. 

So now we are in this building up phase, as the moon gains light, so do we gain clarity, strength and resources for what we are building, knowing this will culminate in some way on the 10th at the full moon.


The Pisces Full Moon of 10 September:Here’s to Oneness (and to separation)


A Crack Where the Light Gets in; August 28th - September 3rd, 2022 Astro Weather