On Astrological Magick and Chaos Art (what I’ve been up to this year)

“Chaos is what we've lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control.”

― Terence McKenna

This year I’ve been digging deep to accept the truer, wilder, less dignified parts of who I am.

Learning it’s what makes me magic.

What is Chaos Art? What is Astrological Talismanic Magick? Where do they meet and where do they diverge? And why it’s so important to know thyself, know thy skill set, to know what we are and are not doing so we don’t hurt anybody, and so our beauty and power can be shared and enjoyed.

We are awakening here on Earth, 2023, and with this stage comes with inherent dangers. ((Witness a baby waddling around the riverside without her caretakers)) It is vitally important for us all to share what we are exploring and learning, in whatever ways we can, and so many of us are doing just that (if you’re not yet, what are you waiting for? Perfection? No such thing.).

This is a little of me sharing what I know about it all from my experiences, for your entertainment, for the lessons I’ve learned, and of course, for the beauty of it all.

Soundscapes by the riverside and  Appalachian wilderness ❤️


There are no ordinary moments; a lucidity meditation. 19 May, 2023.


Yes, you should be afraid (thrilled). Sun conjunct Uranus, 9 May, 2023.