Original StarMaps

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Commemorate the Magickal Achievement of your birth through the creation of a custom work of art with your own natal chart. Original StarMaps can range from tiny drawings to enormous canvas’s to on-location murals. These StarMaps are priced by the piece and include at least one live, in-person or Zoom consultation. For these pieces we will vision together a collaboration of elements that I will then create for you as a magickal, ritual tool. They make beautiful and powerful altar pieces as well as intimately unique gifts.

The StarMap Noir

The StarMap Noir is an original work or art, rendering your Natal Chart, in ink, silk thread and stars.

The StarMap Painting

The StarMap as a painting ranges in size from 4 x 4, a small painting that fits in the palm of your hand, to large canvases and watercolors, all the way up to murals. I design these StarMaps through sacred contemplation and collaboration with my collectors. These StarMaps are priced by the piece and include at least one live, in-person, phone call or Zoom consultation.

The StarMap Scroll

The StarMap Scroll is inked on Chinese Xuan paper, and then mounted on an original Chinese Scroll made by Henry Li, of Blue Heron Arts. These designs are based off the Classic StarMap, a one of a kind original rendering of your Natal Chart, in ink, silk thread and stars.

Visit The StarMap Shop